Once your skill hits 100, you will start to be granted daily abilities. These are:
- 100 Skill Super Crit - Based off your skill and tier
and can be a lot of points at higher skill level.
- 200 Skill Doubletime - Multiplies punts for 5 minutes (default x2, tier increases this)
- 500 Skill Nerf - (coming soon) Nerf an oppoent for 1 day
You can use these once per day.
You will be offered your first Tier at 1 million points. Tier Upgrade is a partial reset.
Your skill resets to a modest skill (tier 2 = 140, tier 5 = 500) and your clicks start over, on all boards. But you will
gain a tier
4. Each tier increases several things. Crits, Super Crits and increases your
skill gains. Max Tier is 16.